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Queue Crowds is a virtual queueing platform made for long lines such as lines outside events or lines outside busy stores and restaurants. With Queue Crowds you can count customer entries into your business from multiple entrances, and once your business is full to capacity, your customers can easily book and see their spot in line right on their phone. It is made for physical lines in which customers cannot necessarily be called one at a time because the line moves too fast, and so customers can be called in small groups to stand in a small physical line at the entrance.


The system can be used across multiple entrances - The queue manager and counter can synchronize across multiple devices.

Customers can see if your business is at capacity online. When the occupancy level reaches maximal capacity customers can begin adding themselves to the lineup online.

When waiting, customers can see their place in line on an app that is updated in real time so that they can wait wherever they like. Once it is their turn, customers are called to the entrance in small groups to facilitate continuous entry into your business.

Customers can join anonymously - Customers do not have to provide any personal information when joining the queue online. They simply present a barcode at the entrance to enter the place of business.

The synced queue manager can be easily sent from your device to employees, without a need to access their device, and can be remotely removed when needed.

There is a distinction between administrators and regular users - Regular users can manage the queue and increase, decrease, and reset the counter. However, only administrators can perform certain sensitive operations, like sending the counter and queue manager to other people, removing it from other people's devices, changing the capacity, etc.

Each copy of the queue manager is unique, so it can only be used on one device, and an administrator can remove it from a particular user's device remotely.

A maximum capacity can be set for the counter by an administrator for all synced devices, so that once the maximum capacity is passed the counter circle turns red and the device vibrates.

Business owners and managers can see how many customers are present in their place of business on their phone from anywhere.

The counter counts the number of people who have entered your business and records it every time you click 'reset'. You can view the history on a graph or in table form, and download it as a csv file.

The timeline history feature lets you see occupancy levels and number of entries to your business throughout the day in graphical and tabular formats. Changes are recorded in 15 minute intervals. You can also download the data as a csv file to do your own analysis.

You can decide which counter buttons are displayed on the screen. This way you can have one employee count just the people entering a place, while another employee counts just the people exiting the same place.

The counter's add and subtract buttons can be positioned vertically or horizontally for maximum ergonomic comfort.

The counter can be set to increment or decrement more than one number at a time.

If you want to display the number of people in your establishment on your website, or if you want to display the number of people at your establishment on a display screen at your business just let us know.

Remote Queuing
Measure Occupancy
Long lines


Using the counter for one entrance, without the queuing system is free. You can try the synced counter with virtual waiting list for free, and then get a subscription starting at just $79 $49 a month. You get a 30 day money back guarantee, and you can cancel the subscription at any time. Additionally, when you subscribe you will receive $25 dollars in SMS credits every month, which you can use at any time.

To keep the line flowing, customers at the head of the line are called in small groups, rather than individually, to form a small physical line at the entrance.
An attendant can simply scan a QR code on the customer's phone using the Queue Crowds app to let them enter your premise.


Queue Crowds can communicate with customers both using a web application, and using push notification. The web application is able to update customer positions and wait times automatically so customers do not need to reload it manually. When using the web app customers can do various operations such as check their position relative to your business on a map, and easily check your occupancy in the future.


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Discover a better way to manage your physical lines while increasing customer satisfaction. Contact us now.
